Staff mobility

International cooperation

Incoming staff should send the following forms to the email address proposing mobility scheme/agreement:  or

Application form

Mobility Agreement – TEACHING

Mobility Agreement – TRAINING

Mobility Agreement for training_KA171

Mobility Agreement for Teaching – KA171

For staff traveling from Partner countries the procedure is as follows:

1. Staff member contacts institutional Erasmus coordinator ( and sends their field of interest. Host is found at the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec. Mobility Agreement for training KA107 is filled depending on the mobility type. Staff member receives Acceptance letter from Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec and signs Financing agreement with Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec and will receive financial grant upon arrival in Croatia.

2. When staff member arrives in Croatia we will open for them Croatian OIB ( PIN (Personal Identification Number) number by filling this form We will do that for staff member upon arrival in Croatia.

3. A bank (giro) account for foreigners with OIB will be opened for staff member in Croatia. This is necessary because this is the only way to pay a staff member their grant. Upon withdrawal of money from the giro account it will be closed in a bank.

Upon completion of mobility the host institution (MEV) issues to the staff member the Certificate of Attendance.

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec

40000 Čakovec
OIB: 31444990605
IBAN: HR88 23400091116034764
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