
About us

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec is a higher education institution that represents a center of excellence for highly specialized, expert and scientific work, which provides quality and effective education based on the concept of lifelong learning, responsibility towards knowledge as a public good, mobility and the development of human potential as the most important values ​​of society. Through active cooperation with the economy, partnership for further development of the community, involvement in the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area and a high level of organizational structure, the university will demonstrate its public responsibility and contribute to the transition to a knowledge society.
Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec will be an institution that encourages mobility and the development of entrepreneurial energy and talent of each individual (teachers, assistants, administrators and students). The high flexibility of studies and the introduction of new study programs with the aim of educating highly skilled personnel needed by the economy in the region will remain one of the fundamental features of the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec.
Students can enroll in 3 full-time and part-time undergraduate professional studies lasting 3 years: Computer Science, Tourism and Sports Management, and Sustainable Development. The Computer Science study program has two majors: software engineering and computer systems and network engineering. The courses in the study of Sustainable Development are Sustainable Construction, Thermotechnical Engineering and Eco-Engineering. The undergraduate program Tourism and Sports Management offers two majors: Tourism Management and Sports Management, and students can continue their education at the two-year graduate specialist study of the same name.


The mission of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec is the education of the professionals with entrepreneurial spirit ready to independently use the acquired knowledge and competencies, directed towards the future profession with an emphasis on professional knowledge specific to a particular area of ​​interest. Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec performs highly professional and scientific work in the field of technical, social and interdisciplinary sciences, study programs are aimed at meeting the needs of professional and specialist staff in the economic sector and wider. Accordingly, Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec cooperates with higher education and scientific institutions, and ensures the possibility of internal and external mobility of students and teachers and non-teaching staff, taking into account the rational use of human and material resources. Monitoring and constant supervision of the quality and competitiveness of teaching and professional work present the important tasks on which the future of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec is based.


Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec is a higher education institution, a regional centre of excellence of highly professional and applied scientific work, conducting the quality and effective education based on the concept of lifelong learning, responsibility for knowledge as a public good, mobility and human resources development as the greatest values of a society. Through active cooperation with the economy, partnerships for community development, involvement in the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area, and a high level of organization, Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec will demonstrate its public responsibility and contribute to the development of the society of knowledge. High flexibility of study programmes and the introduction of new ones in order to educate highly professional people needed by the economy in the area will become one of the basic characteristics of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec.

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec was established by a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 12 November 2007, and the rights and obligations of the founder are performed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport.
On 21 December 2007, the accreditation to perform a professional study in Computer Engineering was obtained, with two modules: Software Engineering and Engineering of Computer Systems and Networks, and the professional studies in Mechanical Engineering and Construction, which are jointly conducted by the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec and the Polytechnic in Varaždin.
On 16 November 2009 the accreditation for conducting the professional study in Tourism and Sport Management was obtained
On 5 September 2012 the accreditation for conducting the professional study in Sustainable Development was obtained.
On 19 December 2013 the accreditation for conducting the specialist graduate professional study in Tourism and Sport Management was obtained.

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec

40000 Čakovec
OIB: 31444990605
IBAN: HR88 23400091116034764
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