Erasmus Charter

International cooperation

Erasmus Policy Statement

The goal of the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec is to be a professionally and scientifically strong European university and a highly regarded, attractive and professionally managed international scientific community in the fields of tourism, sports, computing and sustainable development. The key areas of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec internationalisation include the internationalisation of education, accreditations, the internationalisation of students and personnel and internationalisation at home.

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec will select the very best partners from the international science community and fields of practice – companies, professional and vocational HEI`s. Partners, who match up well with our strategic areas of expertise with professional education and science as the cornerstone. Common interests in research result in fruitful partnerships. Accreditations and international rankings play an important role in partnership building. Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec has actively strived for programme accreditations thus ensuring the functional quality of the programmes. Partnerships are based on reciprocal cooperation and mobility. Our aim is to cooperate on several levels and intensify the cooperation to maximise the mutual benefits. Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec operates within research, teacher/staff mobility, student mobility and in various project applications (Interreg etc.).

Austria, Slovenia and Hungary are the key geographical areas for international cooperation regarding European cooperation with strategic goals to spread to Northern America and Israel. Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec has more than 20 cooperation agreements with various HEI`s. Other important geographical areas are Serbia and Southern Europe. The Erasmus mobility provides a solid basis for all mobility due to long-lasting partnerships, well-balanced exchange with smooth credit transfer with the ECTS system with European partners. 

For our cooperative work in education, we will create a platform for implementing joint degree programmes together with the best actors, taking into consideration the needs of businesses. Combining these aspects will give rise to a unique structure, especially in the developing markets, in which universities, companies and the experts of the future can create a competitive advantage.

Student mobility on first and second cycle is an integral part of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec degree programmes curriculum. We offer every degree student an opportunity to study abroad during their studies. Exchange of teachers is also encouraged to promote cooperation and credit recognition in the long run. Mobility is encouraged and supported in all levels of staff (professors, researchers, administration, teachers etc.). An example of this is an open annual, or semi-annual call for staff to apply for staff exchange for 5 – 7 days. The mobility at all levels is seen as the key to an intensive cooperation and partnership.

Before the Erasmus+ mobility period, from the moment you are selected as an Erasmus+ student, you have the right to be consulted regarding the partner institutions or companies where you will spend your mobility period and the activities you can carry out there. You have the right to information about the evaluation method at the receiving institution, as well as information from the sending and receiving institution / company about taking out insurance, finding accommodation, and, if necessary, obtaining a visa. All important contacts and sources of information can be found in the inter-institutional agreement concluded between the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec and the receiving institution. You will sign the Grant Agreement (even if you are not receiving financial support from EU funds). If you are enrolled in a higher education institution located in a country participating in the program, you will sign a Grant Agreement with Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec. If you are enrolled in a university located in a partner country, you can sign the contract with the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec or the receiving institution, depending on the previous agreement. You will also sign the Learning Agreement with Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec or the receiving institution. In order for your mobility period to be successful and recognized, it is necessary to prepare the Learning Agreement in detail. It details your planned activities abroad (including the credits you need to acquire, which will will be recognized at your home institution). Once you have been selected, you will participate in an online language assessment (if it is available in your teaching/working language abroad) which will enable the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec to offer you the most appropriate language support, as needed. You should take full advantage of this opportunity to improve your own language skills to the level recommended by the host institution.

During your mobility period, you should take full advantage of the learning opportunities offered to you at the receiving institution / company by respecting all rules and regulations and strive to do your best in all important exams and other forms of assessment. The receiving institution/company undertakes to treat you in the same way as its home students/employees, and you should make all the necessary efforts to integrate into the new environment. If they are available in the receiving institution/company, networks of mentors and friends can be very useful. The receiving institution will not ask you to pay tuition fees, enrollment fees, exams, laboratory and library access during the mobility period. However, they may charge you small fees like they charge their own students for expenses such as insurance, student union membership, and the use of various materials. Your tuition fees and student loans in your home country remain unchanged during your stay abroad. You can request changes to the Learning Agreement only in exceptional situations and within the time limit determined by your sending and receiving institutions. You must ensure that the sending and receiving institution/company approve these changes within two weeks of the request and keep copies of their approval. Requests for extending the duration of the mobility period must be submitted at least one month before the end of the planned period.

After your mobility period you are entitled to receive full academic recognition from your sending institution for successfully completed activities during the mobility period in accordance with the Learning Agreement. If you are studying abroad, your receiving institution will issue a transcript with your results in terms of credits and grades within five weeks of your results being announced. Upon receipt of that document, the Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec will give you all the information about recognition. If you are enrolled in a higher education institution located in a country participating in the program, recognized activities (for example, courses) will be listed in the Diploma Supplemen. If you are on a student internship, the company will issue you a Certificate of Student Internship, which lists all the tasks you completed and the evaluation. Your sending institution will also issue you a transcript of grades if this is stated in the Learning Agreement. If you are enrolled in a higher education institution located in a country participating in the program and the student internship was not part of the curriculum, this period will at least be recorded in the Diploma Supplement and, if you wish, in your Europass mobility certificate. If you have recently graduated from an institution located in a participating country, it is recommended that you apply for a Europass mobility certificate. You should take an online language assessment, if available in your teaching/working language abroad, with the aim of monitoring your language progress during the mobility period. You must complete a questionnaire in order to provide feedback about your Erasmus+ mobility period to your sending and receiving institution, appropriate national agencies and the European Commission.

Below on the link you can find ECHE Charter of Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec.


Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec

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